
Query ParameterDescriptionTypeNotes
$topLimits the number of items returned from a query. Useful for pagination.IntegerOptional, must be ≥ 0. Use in conjunction with $skip for paging through data.
$skipSkips over a number of items before returning results.IntegerOptional, must be ≥ 0. Commonly used with $top to implement pagination.
$orderbySpecifies the order in which items are returned.StringOptional. Can be a single property or a comma-separated list for multiple properties. Add asc for ascending or desc for descending, e.g., LastName asc.
$filterFilters the results based on a set of criteria.StringOptional. Use logical operators like eq (equals), ne (not equal), gt (greater than), etc., to specify filtering conditions.
$searchSearches items by search phrases.StringOptional. Not all services support full text search.
$countIncludes the count of all items that match the query criteria.BooleanOptional. Useful for obtaining the total number of items in a collection without retrieving all items.
eqEquals operator for filtering.-Used within $filter, e.g., PropertyName eq 'Value'.
neNot equal operator for filtering.-Used within $filter, e.g., PropertyName ne 'Value'.
gtGreater than operator for filtering.-Used within $filter, e.g., PropertyName gt Value.
geGreater than or equal to operator for filtering.-Used within $filter, e.g., PropertyName ge Value.
ltLess than operator for filtering.-Used within $filter, e.g., PropertyName lt Value.
leLess than or equal to operator for filtering.-Used within $filter, e.g., PropertyName le Value.
hasDetermines if a collection field contains a specific value or if a flag field is set.-Used within $filter, applicable for fields that store arrays or flags.

Example 1 (GET):

This query fetches the first 2 contacts, sorting them by their last names in ascending order. Useful for alphabetically listing contacts.

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://api.nexusmls.io/Contacts?$top=2&$orderby=LastName asc' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE'


Example 2 (GET):

This query filters properties to those with association fees between $3000 and $4000 and selects specific fields to display: ListingId, LeaseAmount, and AssociationFee.

curl --request GET \
  --url "https://api.nexusmls.io/Property?$filter=AssociationFee lt 4000 and AssociationFee gt 3000 &$select=ListingId,LeaseAmount,AssociationFee" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE"


Example 3 (GET):

This query skips the first 2 media entries and then retrieves the next 2, sorting them by the time they were last modified in ascending order.

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://api.nexusmls.io/Media?$top=2&$skip=2&$orderby=MediaModificationTimestamp asc' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE'


Example 4 (GET):

This query retrieves specific team details by team ID and selects specific fields to display: TeamKey, TeamOfficePhone, and TeamName.

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://api.nexusmls.io/Teams('<TeamKey>')?$select=TeamKey,TeamOfficePhone,TeamName' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE'


This query demonstrates how to update the type of an open house to "Public" for a specific open house entry identified by its unique ID. The request uses the PATCH method to apply partial updates to the resource.

Example 5 (POST):

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE" \
  -d '{ 
    "OrganizationName": "new organization", 
    "OrganizationCity": "Las Vegas", 
    "ChangedByMember": { "MemberEmail": "ouid@ouidmember.com" }, 
    "HistoryTransactional": [{ "FieldName": "OrganizationName" }], 
    "OrganizationSocialMedia": [{ "SocialMediaType": "Facebook" }],
    "Media": [{ "ShortDescription": "organization picture" }] 
  }' "https://api.nexusmls.io/OUID"


Example 6 (PATCH):

This query updates the type of an open house to "Public" for a specific open house entry identified by its unique ID. The request uses the PATCH method to apply partial updates to the resource.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE" \
  -H "Nexus-Id: YOUR_NEXUS_ID_HERE" \
  -d '{"OpenHouseType": "Public"}' \

You can only PATCH or DELETE entries that you own."

Example 7 (DELETE):

This query deletes a specific social media entry identified by its unique ID.

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE" \

You can only PATCH or DELETE entries that you own.